Extend Jenkins

This site is the new docs site currently being tested. For the actual docs in use please go to https://www.jenkins.io/doc.

Jenkins is an extensible automation server with more than 1800 plugins providing integrations for hundreds of tools and services. The resources below will teach you how to extend Jenkins with new features.

Jenkins Developer Documentation

This page provides an overview of the documentation in the Jenkins Developer Documentation.

If you’re using Jenkins as a user this is where you should look.

If you want to use Jenkins’s existing functionality and plugin features only, please refer to the Jenkins User Documentation instead.

Create a Plugin - Tutorial

Get started with Jenkins development by writing a simple plugin.

Improve a Plugin - Tutorial

Improve a Jenkins plugin to make it easier to maintain.

How-To Guides

These guides explain how to solve a specific problem.

Reference Documentation

The Jenkins developer reference documentation is organized by topics.