Jenkins Events

This site is the new docs site currently being tested. For the actual docs in use please go to

There are many online and local Jenkins-related events: including conferences, meetups, webinars, hackathons, etc.

  • Jenkins Online Meetup. Our project has a virtual meetup for users and developers. We organize regular events and webinars there.

  • Local meetups. Jenkins contributors organize many local CI/CD and Jenkins meetups around the world. There might be one in your city!

  • Contributor Summits. We organize a few contributor summits every year. It brings together current community members and future contributors to learn, meet, and help shape the future of Jenkins.

  • DevOps World. CloudBees organizes the DevOps World conference and includes Jenkins topics in the conference agenda.

  • Hacktoberfest. Jenkins project is participating to Hacktoberfest.

Event Calendar

We have a calendar which lists events related to Jenkins, including regular SIG and project meetings. This calendar is also available in the (.ics format)

View calendar using TimeZone: