Reverse proxy - Pomerium

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You can secure your Jenkins application with JWT authentication and custom claims behind Pomerium proxy.

Why use Pomerium with Jenkins?

You can set up role-based permissions in Jenkins to control a user’s privileges with Jenkins’ built-in authorization matrix. However, this method requires a username and password to sign in and relies on Jenkins’ user database to store credentials.

JWT authentication is a more secure method of identity verification that authenticates and authorizes users against an identity provider, eliminating the need to store or share credentials to access your Jenkins application.

However, Jenkins doesn’t support JWT authentication out of the box. With Pomerium, you can implement JWT authentication and apply claims to your route’s authorization policy to determine a user’s role and privileges before granting a user access to Jenkins.

Once you’ve configured JWT authentication, you can assign permissions within Jenkins for a specific user, any authenticated user, anonymous users, or a user group.

Secure Jenkins with Pomerium proxy

Please refer to Pomerium’s guide on securing Jenkins.