Jenkins Contributor Summit 2021

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The Jenkins Contributor Summit brings together current and future contributors to the Jenkins project. It brings together community members to learn, meet, and help shape the future of Jenkins.

Oct 2021 Two Part Contributor Summit

The next contributor summit will be a two part event hosted online. Part I will happen on October 2, 2021, with part II on October 9, 2021. Both parts of the contributor summit will be hosted at times that are convenient for contributors from the Asia/Pacific regions.

Part I - Oct 2, 2021

The October 2, 2021 contributor summit welcomed new contributors and launched Jenkins in Hacktoberfest 2021. Presentations and working sessions focused on helping new contributors quickly and confidently assist with Jenkins.

Presentations included:

After the presentations, we hosted question and answer sessions to assist new contributors with their specific issues and concerns.

Part II - Oct 9, 2021

The October 9, 2021 contributor summit included short project updates and breakout unconference sessions that discuss key initiatives in the project and its roadmap. Then we will have lightning talks and demos of the new and upcoming Jenkins features, and afterparty.