Jenkins Contributor Summit

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The Jenkins Contributor Summit brings together current and future contributors to the Jenkins project. It brings together community members to learn, meet, and help shape the future of Jenkins.

Call for participation

Jenkins Contributor Summit is a community driven event. Our agenda is based on interest of contributors and community members. The Contributor Summit agenda is created with input and suggestions from Jenkins community members. We’re always ready to welcome additional help as we plan, organize, and run Contributor Summits.

Discussion channels


We have created the #jenkins-contributor-summit channel in the Continuous Delivery Foundation Slack workspace. Anyone is welcome to join and participate in the organization, planning, and async conversation. How to join the CDF Slack.

If you prefer IRC, please use the general purpose #jenkins channel on the Libera chat IRC. More info.


You can discuss the contributor summit on Please use the contributor-summit label. You can find all the related topics using this query. Main Discussion Thread

Social media

Please use the #jenkinsContributorSummit hashtag to share about the contributor summit on social media. Find posts:

Mailing lists

We do not use mailing lists actively for Contributor Summits. Should you want to use an email instead of the channels above, please use one of the Jenkins mailing lists. For organization matters, please use the Advocacy and Outreach SIG mailing list.