DevOps World 2022

This site is the new docs site currently being tested. For the actual docs in use please go to


DevOps World is a chance to be inspired by experts and peers and gain the tools you need to shape the future of software delivery. The Community track will include presentations from Jenkins users and Jenkins contributors.

DevOps World 2022

DevOps World caters to the full DevOps ecosystem and brings together thought leaders, practitioners and community contributors from around the world. It provides attendees the opportunity to learn, explore, network and transform the future of software delivery together. Join us in person in Orlando, Florida where ideas and experiences from a wide range of perspectives and viewpoints are shared to give all attendees the insights they need to build and deliver great software.


sign up for update button

Discussion channels


We have created the #jenkins-at-devops-world channel in the Continuous Delivery Foundation Slack workspace. Anyone is welcome to join and participate in the organization, planning, and async conversation. How to join the CDF Slack.


You can discuss DevOps World on Please use the devops-world label.

Social media

Please use the #DevOpsWorld hashtag to share about the contributor summit on social media. Find posts:

Mailing lists

We do not use mailing lists actively for this event. Should you want to use an email instead of the channels above, please use one of the Jenkins mailing lists. For organization matters, please use the Adevocacy and Outreach SIG mailing list.



DevOps World 2019 - Kohsuke Kawaguchi
Kohsuke Kawaguchi

DevOps World 2019 - 15 years of Jenkins
15 years of Jenkins

DevOps World 2019 - Continuous Delivery Foundation
Continuous Delivery Foundation

DevOps World 2019 - Ask the Experts
Ask the Experts