Hacktoberfest in Jenkins FAQ

This site is the new docs site currently being tested. For the actual docs in use please go to https://www.jenkins.io/doc.

You can find Hacktoberfest FAQ here. Below you can find answers to some Jenkins-specific questions.


This section provides answers to anyone who wants to participate in Hacktoberfest and to submit pull requests to the Jenkins project.

I am new to Jenkins, how do I start?

If you are new to Jenkins, you could start by fixing some small and well described issues in the featured projects. There are lists of such newbie-friendly issues, see the links in our featured project list. You can also submit your own issue and propose a fix.

How do I mark my pull requests?

On Oct 03, the Hacktoberfest organizers made an update to reduce spam and to introduce maintainer opt-in. We follow the same policy in the Jenkins community, and we do NOT require all maintainers to participate in Hacktoberfest.

We ask contributors to mark their pull requests so that we can help with having proper labels set:

  • If a repository already has the hacktoberfest topic set, no extra steps required. Just submit a pull request!

  • If you are not a repository maintainer:

    1. Add Hacktoberfest to the beginning of your pull request title.

    2. Reference the pull request in our Gitter chat. We will contact maintainers to get the GitHub topic set.

  • If you are a repository maintainer, just add the hacktoberfest GitHub topic.

I want to work on my own plugin, is it fine?

Yes, it is fine! Any contributions count, your role in a repository does not matter. Just make sure you create pull requests instead of direct pushes (hint: it’s a best practice anyway if you have a CI configured for your repository).

How to find documentation?

Jenkins project contains lots of materials about contributing to the project. Here are some links which may help:

Suggested project ideas also have their own documentation to help newcomers.

How do I get reviews?

All featured projects are monitored by their maintainers, and you will likely get a review within a few days. Reviews in other repositories and plugins may take longer. In case of delays, ping us in the hacktoberfest channel in Gitter. Unmerged pull-requests can also count in Hacktoberfest, as long as it has the hacktoberfest-accepted label and has an approving review, so merge delays won’t block you from getting the digital reward.

I am stuck. How do I get help?

  • For general questions (process and general direction) use our Hacktoberfest Gitter channel

  • You can also use other chats or mailing lists. Many subprojects also have their own chats, and we encourage using them if you want to reach out to the wider community.

Does Jenkins project send special swag?

All participants will get the digital rewards directly from the Hacktoberfest organizers if they have created at least 4 pull requests in the month of October. The Jenkins project may also distribute some swag to top contributors, depending on the budget and contributions.

Event organizers

How do I organize a Hacktoberfest event?

If you’re hosting a Hacktoberfest online meetup related to Jenkins, share it with the rest of the world as a Jenkins Online Meetup. See our Event Kit for more details.


New featured projects are welcome! Please submit a pull request to update the Hacktoberfest page to get it added.

Conditions for being added as a featured project:

  • There is a commitment from the maintainer(s) to provide timely reviews for incoming PRs

  • There are explicit contributing guidelines for the component

  • There are at least 5 newbie-friendly issues in Jenkins JIRA or GitHub Issues. We recommend putting the hacktoberfest label on them as well

How do I join the Hacktoberfest reviewers team?

You can request joining @jenkinsci/hacktoberfest or @jenkins-infra/hacktoberfest from GitHub. You need to be a member of a respective GitHub organization to send such request.


How do I get metrics about Hacktoberfest?

Unfortunately there is no way to get organization-wide metrics for Hacktoberfest, because the event organizers do not share info about registered users. This is why we recommend to mark pull requests with hacktoberfest, hacktoberfest-accepted label or Hacktoberfest in the title.